Colors of Virginia Watercolor Artwork


This new watercolor artwork was inspired by all the colors around Virginia. 30 small watercolor swatches named for local foods, places and sites make this an excellent way to remember a lovely state.

Whenever I travel, I am always amazed at the surrounding beauty and the colors found in each place. To remind myself was a gorgeous state I live in, I created this piece. I first got the idea when I was in Prince Edward Island (where the colors are so vibrant and specific) and saw lots of local artwork. Inspiration also came from color swatches I have handing in my studio. It's nothing special, but it helps guide me as I work.


I set off to come up with a list of 30 colors that highlighted the best Virginia things. This was the fun brainstorming part. My mom helped a ton while we were on a hike and I kept track of the list on my phone. We tried to cover geographical areas, flora & fauna, animals foods & wine and products that are famous for coming out of the Commonwealth state.


My favorite color of the grid is Firefly. It plays of my branding and is something I truly love about Virginia summers.


Other friends really liked Summer Storm, Ham & Blue Heron. What makes the print so fun is that there is something in it for everyone. Below is the final piece. It was fun mixing and matching where the colors went to make it look cohesive. I am really proud of how this came together.


I have listed this 11x14 print for sale on Etsy so you can pick up a copy at this link. I have already started on some other States and would love to know if you are interested in one in particular. New York‽ California‽ Ohio‽ Let's do this!

Colors ofnatalie kay