Letterpress Student Work: February 2020

Student Work February 2020

Coming off one four week session and straight into another was an excellent kick off to the year. Though four week sessions are short for me, its fun to bust through a new group of students.

Don't mess with texas.jpg

One of the first things printed in class was this “Don’t Mess with Texas” lock up. My student printed it as a card for her friend, but I made her print a few extras to keep around. I think one of the hardest things to impose on my students is how difficult it is to lock up, and how easy it is to print a ton!

Made with Love.jpg

The same student printed these little mason jar cards. I love when people bring in alternative things to print on. I find out about the coolest things this way. Another student brought in the following paper.


While it looks just like a rough edged white paper, its actually photo paper that she can use in a dark room and expose images on. She used the same paper to print her business cards and was planning on giving them to specialty clients.


Valentine’s day also fell during this class. I gave each of my students a few handmade cards and we had one created during class session.


One of my students had taken my class a few times before. She dove into work right away and on her birthday, brought us all cupcakes to share. Normally, this student printed little note cards, but this time she printed one of her favorite passages from a Supreme Court hearing. I love the pink ink on the black paper so much.

That same student also brought cupcakes in to celebrate her birthday. I don’t give out grades, but she’d get extra credit for this.


We reused the pink ink from some other prints including celebratory birthday cards.

happy birthday.jpg

The confetti paper for this “be the weird you wish to see in the world” is just so much fun. I have got to find an excuse to use this myself.

be the weird.jpg

Was so sad to say goodbye to this class, but thankful for the amount of work they made.

teaching, letterpressnatalie kay