Initial House Painting

I will probably post an entry with a bunch of house pics at some point but over the weekend I had a blast painting my kitchen red & some stripes in my entry way. Here is a before of the accent wall I did in the kitchen.

And here is the red after. The color is called "classic red." A lot of my appliances, like my Kitchen Aid or toaster are shiny red, so I picked the color to go along with them.

Also - recognize that shelf? I built it myself and used it in my last house as a closet! In the new house, I have a huge closet space so I repurposed it to hold pots and pans and such. I get comments on it all the time. This photo is my empty living room from when I bought the house so you can see the grey color on the walls.

I painted then entry way wall opposite of that shot above. I have seen a lot of stripes all over the internet and love how they can make the room look longer.

This stair wall is really awkward but the stripes make it a fun accent piece. This was a pain in the butt to paint as nothing seems level! Luckily, I had my friend Jordan give me a hand with these two walls and it went by really fast. Now, if only I could decide what color do do my living room.