My first modern calligraphy class
My first modern calligraphy class |
My first modern calligraphy class |
My first modern calligraphy class |
My first modern calligraphy class |
Photo Aug 05, 3 00 30 PM
My first modern calligraphy class |
When the art center where I teach letterpress came to me asking to teach a modern calligraphy class, I was incredibly hesitant. Frankly, I still feel like I am learning a ton about calligraphy and was worried about teaching a bunch of people. I had so many fears – "What if they asked me something I don't know?! What if someone corrects me?! What if I get a leftie?!" But when I really sat down to think about if I could do this, I knew I could. After all, who is better than someone who is still learning themselves?I am a firm believer that you should always keep learning. You never want to get stuck in a rut and practice and education is the best way to refine a skill. And honestly, teaching it to others forces you to really think about how and why we do what we do. I spent a long time writing my teaching guide but feel pretty confident it's a good start.I decided to start with brush calligraphy because I think it's a great introduction to the skill needed to grow into other tools and styles. After all, all calligraphy is about muscle memory. We spent a lot of time talking about the basic strokes and focused a good amount of energy on that.I walked students through other tools and tricks that I have found along the way and think everyone had an enjoyable class. I did realize ONE spelling mistake in my guide and ONE little typo - but my students were so encouraging.I already have two more workshops scheduled for later this year and want to try to plan some more from my house and from the art center.If you are interested in taking one, check out my classes here OR send me an email to set up a private workshop for you and your friends!