the trailer: new year updates

So I haven't talked about my trailer in a while. When I bought my house last June, I realized the trailer needed to take a temporary back seat to getting everything in my home in order. My friend Paul helped me move the trailer from my last place to the side of my current one. During the move, the trailer lost it's door handle and was certainly shaken up a bit!  Since I found myself without the time or enough man power to redo the floor alone, I turned to a friend for help. He is also helping strengthen the wall supports that had rotted away for more support in travel.

the trailer: new year updates |

the trailer: new year updates |

the trailer: new year updates |

These are not the most fabulous photos but it shows the new subflooring installed! I am hoping to get it back in March to add in the real floor and beadboard walls.

miss a post about my camper trailer? see them all here.

studio trailernatalie kay